Rouge Reveal Burlesque

It was right around 10 years ago while living in New Orleans that I discovered and developed a real appreciation for burlesque. I happened to live just off of St. Claude Ave within walking distance of several venues that routinely featured Burlesque shows. It was at Blu reine‘s inaugural ”The Roux: A Spicy Brown Burlesque Show” that I first saw Jeez Loueez perform. She was already a star in the world of burlesque and along with a talented line up of other performers of color, she put on an amazing show that instantly made me a fan.
So it was a no brainer that I would go see her perform again when I found out she would at a venue right around the corner from my new home in Detroit. So almost 10 years and more than 1100 miles from the first time, last Sunday at Eartha Kitten ’s ROUGE REVEAL, I was treated to another outstanding night of performances headlined by the legendary Icon of Burlesque.
1’st & 2nd photo 2014
3nd photo 2024